
What is Feng Shui?

What is Feng Shui?

What is Feng Shui? This is a question I am asked regularly, and typically it is followed by a comment such as  “You have to move your furniture or something don’t you?” Now there are many schools of Feng Shui, and they can all indeed work, however in its basic...

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Feng Shui Advice with Suzanne Butler

Feng Shui Advice with Suzanne Butler Oh my gosh you guys... you are in for a real treat today! Suzanne Butler talks about all things Feng Shui with her AMAZING Australia accent and she had me laughing the whole time! We had some...

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The Power of Decluttering

The Power of Decluttering

I gave my group members a little tip about decluttering on Sunday, and this morning when walking the dogs, I was reminded about a post a friend wrote about friendships, and it got me to thinking. As our life changes, our friendship circle also changes, in fact...

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Hi, I’m Suzanne

Feng Shui has completely changed my life, and provided me with opportunities I couldn’t possibly have imagined. 

I would love to share the magic with you and watch your life completely transform.

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