Living the life you want with guest Suzanne Butler

Feng Shui at Home, Feng Shui at Work, Feng Shui Remedies, Interviews

In today’s episode, I chat with Suzanne Butler of Suzanne Butler Lifestyle Design – an empowerment and Feng Shui expert.
Suzanne shares about her personal experiences with stress, trauma and burnout when she dealt with running 3 businesses, caring for her partner in a stressful relationship and family problems.


Suzanne reflects on what was going on at this stage of her life and what her burnout experience was like. She also shares how she moved through burnout with the help of a support team, learning how to NO and put her own needs first. She shares the beautiful multifaceted life she has curated for herself now and how she manages her energy and life with balance and lots of naps.

Hi, I’m Suzanne

Feng Shui has completely changed my life, and provided me with opportunities I couldn’t possibly have imagined. 

I would love to share the magic with you and watch your life completely transform.

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